Players: 162
Tournaments: 106
Games Played: 1340
Total Appearances: 1486
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-01-22 08:04
Tower Race Tournament
Delay: |
• 1 worm per player
• Games are best of 1
• S2F - Start to Finish
/rs (racing stuff) feature is mandatory in order to avoid potential worm-body barricades (blocking the other player) in tight areas and for the sake of personal comfort.
-35 sec, and no banana, end of turntime truly means end of turn, take it into consideraiton.
-Highly recommended to use the Rubberworm feature /antisink command to avoid having to rematch on several maps. Without this command, if a player plops twice in a row (even after) rematch, he automatically loses the round but may still be elected as Lucky Loser. In case of a non-ploppy tower map.
-No teleporting back up to the position the player may have fallen from, so in hazardous maneuvre-areas, take more precaution.
When global timer passes 20 minutes (overall turntime roped), the round automatically ends. The player who got the farthest during this period, is rendered victorious (consider start-order as well of course). In case of a draw, rope, compete from the finish line/signature backwards on the map for a whole turn and that will settle the final score (the player furthest back). If it is not possible, check the last turn Remaining-turntime for both players measured in milliseconds in a replay by repeatedly pressing S.
In the unfortunate event of disconnection/network drop/accidental cable pull, no problem, resume from last position, and check replay for turntime-timer- so it ultimately adds up to around 20 minutes or less, subjective time necessary to complete the map.
Load maps exclusively from the provided map pack- mostly plain, standard, adrenaline-charged, trippy racing.
This tournament has been cancelled (Reason: Not enough players)