Players: 162
Tournaments: 106
Games Played: 1340
Total Appearances: 1486
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 20:31
Replays for Game #15576
21st July 2015, 19:00
Round 2
2015-07-21 20:25:59
2015-07-21 20:42:07
2015-07-21 20:55:10
2015-07-21 21:02:07
2015-07-21 21:08:55
Show Turn Details
Players: as Best of the Best as You're Owned Kano starts turn [00:00:08.02] Bungee[00:00:13.10] Uzi[00:00:14.58] Uzi[00:00:24.70] Prod[00:00:34.76] Skip GoDamage dealt: 400 Dahl starts turn [00:00:43.98] Low Gravity[00:00:44.52] Fast Walk[00:00:48.48] Longbow[00:01:04.26] Longbow[00:01:07.38] Super Sheep[00:01:12.26] Super Banana BombDamage dealt: 264 80 Kano starts turn [00:01:32.54] Fast Walk[00:01:33.50] Low Gravity[00:01:48.14] Baseball Bat[00:01:57.38] Banana BombDamage dealt: 132 520
57.98 s 30.00 s |