Players: 162
Tournaments: 106
Games Played: 1340
Total Appearances: 1486
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-01-22 04:57
Darts Tournament
Delay: |
• 8 worms per player
• Games are best of 5
Teleport worms to start platform.
Activate low gravity by selecting it from the weapons menu or by pressing ` AKA the console key.
Select rope by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F8.
Attach rope to wall, select drill while keeping the rope attached by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F7.
Use the arrow keys to maneuver the rope and build momentum, then release the worm and fly with drill towards board by pressing enter.
While the worm is flying towards the dartboard, press space to stop drilling BEFORE reaching the dartboard. (This is so far ONLY required on the "Classic" Darts map, made by "SiD")
Each player is responsible for keeping track of their score, after each successful score please use the "/me" function to show your score so it stands out amongst the normal chat.
Sudden death begins in the event of a draw for 1st place, players teleport 1 worm each back to the starting platform then throw them the following turn, the best dart wins, if a draw continues, players keep throwing until someone wins, worm select is standard in the scheme.
*If any players worms are knocked off the target board, their scores still count*
Read more rules about rebounding and scoring here:-
Picking maps:-
All maps will be picked by dS picker, which can be found here:-
(Please make sure you must know rules of map before playing, by clicking on the map's name.)
Have fun and may the luck be with you. :P
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.4 (12 players)